Thursday, 14 July 2022 from 15:00 - 15:30 BST

Bond Data 2022 Q2 round up past


Join us for Environmental Finance Data's Sustainable Debt Roundup: Q2 2022

Ahren Lester, Assistant Editor, Environmental Finance, will be in conversation with Ben Smith, Data Strategist, Environmental Finance, presenting a summary of the labelled bond market for quarter two of 2022 and offering insights into carbon/GHG emissions KPIs for sustainability-linked bonds.

Some of the key areas of discussion include:

A comprehensive roundup of Q2 GSSS bond issuance by volume, bond label, issuer type, geography, and sector

Analysis of the Q2 GSSS bond market development on a year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter


Expert insights on the most noteworthy Q2 issuances and market trends

Deep dive into carbon/GHG emissions KPIs for sustainability-linked bonds

Presenters including:

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Ahren Lester
Assistant Editor
Environmental Finance
Ben Smith
Data Strategist
Environmental Finance